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AQA 1H: Tsarist and Communist Russia KS5 Lesson and Revision Resources

Here, you can find the links to the A-Level resources I've been developing for AQA 1H: Tsarist and Communist Russia.

The materials follow the AQA 1H exam specification, but also provide further content relating to specific areas of Russian and Soviet History, in particular regarding Jews and non-Russian nationalities, the 1917 Revolution, and the Holocaust on Soviet territory.

In total, there are approximately 80 lessons, not including writing and recap lessons.

All enquiry questions, including the revision enquiries intended to be delivered at the end of Year 13, are fully bookleted.

Year 12 Enquiry Questions
  1. How did the Tsars seek to restore and maintain their authority after 1855?
  2. Could forces of change overcome forces of reaction by 1894?
  3. Could Nicholas II halt Russia's modernisation, 1894-1914?
  4. What made the early 20th century Russia's "age of revolution"?
  5. Why was power so hard to hold in 1917?

Year 13 Enquiry Questions
  1. Could socialism be achieved under Lenin, 1917-1924?
  2. How far did Stalin's "revolution from above" transform the USSR, 1924-1941?
  3. How "totalitarian" was the USSR under Stalin?
  4. Could Stalinism survive total war?
  5. Could the Soviet Union be reformed after Stalin?

Revision Themes and Enquiry Questions
  1. Politics and Authority, 1855-1917: What drove changes to power and authority, 1855-1917?
  2. Politics and Authority, 1917-1964: How did revolution and reforms change power and authority in Russia after 1917?
  3. Economy, 1855-1964: How did Russia and the USSR achieve economic modernisation by 1964?
  4. Society and Culture, 1855-1964: What drove social and economic developments in Russia, 1855-1964?

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